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ATS Resume Test/Scan

The ATS Resume Test/Scan section provides a free ATS resume scan. It was built with all applicant tracking systems in mind and acts as a powerful ATS resume test.

The section can be broken down into the following divisions:

Header and Tip

We followed these steps to make the same:

  1. Creating a <div> element with two child <p> elements inside it.

  2. The first <p> element displays the heading, and the second <p> element provides a tip.

        <div class="p-0 md:w-[50%]">
    <p class="text-[#FCFCFD] text-3xl font-rubik">
    Find out if your resume passes ATS resume test
    <p class="text-[#D0D5DD] py-4">
    Tip: Score My Resume was bult with all applicant racking
    systems in mind and acts as a powerful ATS resume test, ts
    scanned correctly by our platform, you can be confident it
    wil also be processed correctly by all ATS.

The header and tip look like this:



We used CSS classes to style the elements, setting properties such as color, font size, padding, and font family.

Resume scan button and image

We followed these steps:

  1. We made a <button> element with a class assigned to it. The class contains multiple CSS properties for styling.

  2. The content was added inside the <button> element: "Get Your Free ATS Resume Scan". This is the text displayed within the button.

    ```jsx title="index.astro" {2,3} showLineNumbers
    class="bg-[#6938ef] hover:bg-[#6533ed] text-white py-2 px-5 md:py-3 md:px-8 rounded-lg mt-4">
    Get Your Free ATS Resume Scan

    The resume scan button looks like this:


  1. We imported a specific file named "Group 1.svg" and assigned it to a variable called Group1

    import Group1 from "/ATSResumeTest/Group 1.svg";
  2. The image is positioned absolutely and styled with CSS classes to set its width, maintain its aspect ratio, and position it relative to its parent container.

    class="absolute w-[50%] h-auto right-[-6rem] bottom-[-12rem]"

After combining all of the divisions, the Resume Test/Scan section can be seen like this:


The ATS Resume Test/Scan section is succesfully executed! Let's move on and see how we created the Features and Cards Section of the Resume Screener Website.