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System Maintenance

Here's a System Maintenance guide for TCET Linux, including a short guide with a full system upgrade command. System maintenance is essential to ensure the security, stability, and performance of your computer. Neglecting maintenance tasks can lead to security vulnerabilities, system instability, and decreased efficiency. By regularly maintaining your system, you can enjoy a more reliable and efficient computing experience while reducing the risk of data loss and security breaches.

Remember to back up your important data before performing system maintenance, especially if you are removing packages or making significant changes to your system configuration.

Basic System Maintenance Commands

Here are some basic maintenance tasks:

  1. Clean Package Cache:

    • Over time, your system accumulates package cache files. To clean them and free up space, use:
       sudo pacman -Scc
  2. Remove Unneeded Packages:

    • Review and remove any unnecessary packages to declutter your system:
      autoremove package_name
      sudo pacman -Rns package_name
      As explained in Alias Commands Section some packages come with dependencies essential to work them smoothly. Hence this command removes the package with their required dependencies from the system.
  3. Check Disk Space:

    • Keep an eye on your disk space usage with:
      df -h
  4. System Monitoring:

    • Check for the applications using more than required memory, disk space and CPU consumption and if not needed remove them.
    • To monitor this you can use system monitor software installed by default in the TCET Linux system or htop command line utility.

Full System Upgrade

Performing a full system upgrade ensures that your TCET Linux system is running the latest software and security updates. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open a Terminal:

    • Launch a terminal emulator on your system.
  2. Run the Upgrade Command:

    • To perform a full system upgrade, use the following command:
      sudo pacman -Syyu

The command sudo pacman -Syyu is used in Arch Linux-based distributions like TCET Linux for a full system upgrade. Here's a breakdown of what each part of the command does:

  • sudo: This prefix is used to run a command with superuser (administrator) privileges. It allows you to execute administrative tasks, like system upgrades.

  • pacman: This is the package manager used in Arch based distributions. It's used for installing, updating, and managing software packages.

  • -Syyu: These are options and parameters for the pacman command:

    • -S: This option specifies that you are installing or upgrading packages.
    • -yy: This option forces a refresh of the package databases, ensuring that the package lists are up to date.
    • -u: This option tells pacman to upgrade all installed packages to their latest available versions.
  1. Follow Instructions:

    • During the upgrade, you may be prompted to enter password, confirm package installations or resolve conflicts. Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed.
  2. Reboot Your System:

    • After the upgrade is complete, it's a good practice to reboot your system to ensure that any kernel updates take effect: Restart from the power options menu. OR
      sudo reboot

Performing this full system upgrade regularly helps keep your TCET Linux system secure, stable, and up to date with the latest features and improvements.

System Update


You can visit to some learning resources listed on Resource Page of TCET Linux documentation.

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