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Page Interaction

This function sets up all the interactions and behaviors for the web page so that you can use it easily and perform different actions by clicking, typing, or changing values.

if(event.keyCode==9 || event.keyCode==16 || event.keyCode>=37 && event.keyCode<=40)
return false;
var ip = || event.srcElement;
var c10=parseInt($("#c10").text());
var c11=parseInt($("#c11").val());
if(ip.value.length>=1 && ip.value!="1"){
if(event.keyCode==9 || event.keyCode==16 || event.keyCode>=37 && event.keyCode<=40)
return false;
var ip = || event.srcElement;
var c20=parseInt($("#c20").text());
var c21=parseInt($("#c21").val());
if(ip.value.length>=1 && ip.value!="1" && ip.value!="2" && ip.value!="3"){
$("#tbl01 tr input:first").focus();
$("input.exp").on("keyup", expkeyup);
$("input.exp").on("change", perform);
$("input.ip").on("keyup", check);
$("input.ip").on("change", check);
$("button.reset").on("click", function(){
var tbl1=document.getElementById("tbl1");
var tbl2=document.getElementById("tbl2");
var tbl3=document.getElementById("tbl3");
for(var i=0;i<5;i++) for(var j=1;j<6;j++)
for(var i=0;i<5;i++) for(var j=1;j<6;j++)

for(var j=0;j<4;j++) for(var i=0;i<6;i++){
$("#tbl1 td").click(cell_check);
$("#tbl2 td").click(cell_check);

Similar Logic has been used in c11 and c21 updater functions.

Here's what the function does step by step.

  1. It focuses on a specific field with an ID called "c11". It's like pointing your finger at that field so you can start typing in it.

  2. It simulates a click on the "c11" field. It's like tapping on it with your finger.

  3. It triggers a "click" event on the "c11" field. It's like pretending you clicked on it again.

  4. It listens for when you press a key on the keyboard while typing in the "c11" field. If you press certain keys like the Tab key or Shift key, it won't do anything. It's like ignoring those keys.

  5. It gets the value you typed in the "c11" field and checks if it's greater than 15. If it is, it changes the value to 15. It's like making sure the number is not too big.

  6. If the value you typed is greater than another field called "c10", it triggers a function called "c11change". It's like telling another part of the page to do something if the number is bigger.

  7. If you typed at least one character in the "c11" field that is not "1", it focuses on another field called "c21". It's like moving your attention to that field.

  8. The function continues and does similar things for the "c21" field. It listens for key presses, checks the value, triggers a function called "c21change" if necessary, and focuses on another field if certain conditions are met.

  9. It sets up listeners for when you type or change values in fields with a class called "exp". It's like keeping an ear out for any changes you make in those fields.

  10. It sets up listeners for when you type or change values in fields with a class called "ip". It's like keeping an ear out for any changes you make in those fields as well.

  11. It sets up a listener for when *you click a button with a class called "reset". When you click that button, it clears all the values in input fields and performs some actions to reset the page.

  12. It sets up a listener for when you click a button with an ID called "man_mode". When you click that button, it switches the page to a different mode.

  13. It sets up listeners for when you click on certain cells in a table with an ID called "tbl1" or "tbl2". When you click on those cells, it triggers a function called "cell_check".

  14. It sets up listeners for when you click on certain elements with classes "instr-ref" or "man-mode-ref". When you click on those elements, it changes the location of the page to show different instructions or information.

We have successfully understood the Page Interaction function! And here we also complete all the functions of the Fill My Cycle.