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Table Transformation

The cycle(w0, w1) function performs a cycle of actions on tables. It displays values, performs calculations, and updates specific rows of a table based on the provided values. It's like going through a sequence of steps to manage and update the tables accordingly! Let's go through each step:

function cycle(w0,w1){
var tbl1=document.getElementById("tbl1");
var tbl2=document.getElementById("tbl2");
var tbl3=document.getElementById("tbl3");
var w=[];
for(var i=0;i<6;i++){
for(var i=0;i<5;i++) for(var j=1;j<6;j++)
for(var i=0;i<6;i++){
for(var i=0;i<6;i++){
for(var i=0;i<5;i++) for(var j=1;j<6;j++)
for(var i=0;i<6;i++){
if(w[0] && w[1]){
for(var i=0;i<6;i++){
for(var i=0;i<6;i++){
  1. We start by finding three tables: "tbl1", "tbl2", and "tbl3". It's like picking specific tables.

  2. We create an array called "w" to store values: [w0, w1, [], []]. It's like having different containers for different things.

  3. If the first element of "w" (w[0]) exists, we update the first row of "tbl3" with the values from w[0]. It's like displaying some values in the first row of a table.

  4. If w[0] doesn't exist, we clear the cells in "tbl1" (except the first column) or leave them empty. It's like erasing or leaving empty cells in a table.

  5. Regardless of w[0]'s existence, we clear the first row of "tbl3" or leave it empty. It's like erasing or leaving empty cells in the first row of a table.

  6. If the second element of "w" (w[1]) exists, we update the second row of "tbl3" with the values from w[1]. It's like displaying some values in the second row of a table.

  7. If w[1] doesn't exist, we clear the cells in "tbl2" (except the first column) or leave them empty. It's like erasing or leaving empty cells in a table.

  8. Regardless of w[1]'s existence, we clear the second row of "tbl3" or leave it empty. It's like erasing or leaving empty cells in the second row of a table.

  9. If both w[0] and w[1] exist, we perform calculations by adding the corresponding values from w[0] and w[1] and store them in w[2]. We also calculate the average by dividing the values in w[2] by 2 and store them in w[3].

  10. We update the third row of "tbl3" with the values from w[2] and the fourth row of "tbl3" with the values from w[3]. It's like displaying calculated values in specific rows of a table.

  11. If either w[0] or w[1] doesn't exist, we clear the cells in the third and fourth rows of "tbl3" or leave them empty. It's like erasing or leaving empty cells in specific rows of a table.

_We have successfully understood the [**Table Transformatio**](table-transformation) function! Let's move on and understand the [**Page Interaction**](page-interaction) function of the **[Fill My Cycle](**._