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Table Calculator

The cal_man(tbl) function calculates and manages values based on a table's rows and columns. It multiplies and accumulates numbers based on certain conditions and returns the updated array of values. It's like performing some calculations and keeping track of the results! Let's break down the JavaScript function cal_man(tbl) in a simple way:

function cal_man(tbl){
var w=[6,6,2,2,4,0];
for(var i=0;i<5;i++){
var tr=$(tbl.children[i]);
var td=tr.children().children('img').parent();
var col=tr.children().index(td)-1;
return false;
return w;
  1. We start with an array called "w" which holds some initial values: [6, 6, 2, 2, 4, 0]. It's like having a list of numbers to work with.

  2. We go through a loop that repeats 5 times. In each iteration, we perform some actions.

  3. Inside the loop, we find a specific row in the table using the variable "tr". It's like picking a row from the table.

  4. Then, we find a specific cell in that row which contains an image. We store this cell in the variable "td". It's like selecting a cell with an image.

  5. We calculate the column index of the selected cell relative to its row. It's like finding the position of the cell within the row.

  6. If the calculated column index is less than 0 (which means it's an invalid index), we stop further execution of the function and return false. It's like checking if the column index is valid.

  7. If the column index is valid, we perform some calculations using the values in the "w" array. It's like doing some mathematical operations.

  8. We multiply the value in the "w" array at index "i" by (5 - col), where col is the calculated column index. It's like multiplying a number by another number and storing the result.

  9. We add the calculated value to the last element of the "w" array (at index 5). It's like accumulating the calculated values.

  10. After the loop is completed, we return the updated "w" array. It's like giving back the final result.

We have successfully understood the Table Calculator function! Let's move on and understand the Table Manager function of the Fill My Cycle.