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The Companies page of the website gives you information about various companies that visit the institute for the placement procedure. It is accesible through the Placement section on the navigation bar of the TNP Website.

Adding Company Card to the page

How to add the Company Card to the page

  1. Opening CompanyCard.tsx file in our projects root directory.

  2. The CompanyCard component is defined as a functional component that accepts two props: img and name.

    const CompanyCard: React.FC<{} & CompanyCardType> = ({ img, name }) => {
    return (
    <div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3">
    <img src={"/InternshipHero/" + img} alt="company-logo" />
    <p className="lg:text-base text-xs text-center text-slate-600">{name}</p>
  3. An <img> element is added to display the company logo. The alt attribute is set to "company-logo" for accessibility purposes. The name prop is used to populate the content of the <p> element.

  4. The companies section is divided into different sub sections including Super Dream Companies, Dream Companies, Normal and Core Companies. The company card is added to the page as per the category of the company.

  5. Save the changes.

  6. Run yarn dev on the terminal to see the changes made in your local environment.

On executing the above steps, the Company cards look like this:

Adding Read More Button

How to display the company in the ReadMore section

  1. Opening ReadMore.tsx file in our projects root directory.

  2. The ReadMore component is defined as a functional component that accepts two props: companies (an array of CompanyCardType) and title (a string representing the section title). The useState hook is imported which determines whether the "Read More" section is expanded or collapsed.

    const ReadMore: React.FC<{
    companies: CompanyCardType[];
    title: string;
    }> = ({ companies, title }) => {
    const [readMore, setReadMore] = useState(false);
  3. A <button> element is added and it has a click event handler attached to the onClick attribute, which toggles the readMore state when clicked. Inside the <button> element, there is a text label "Read More" and an SVG icon representing an arrow.

    return (
    className="w-max py-2 px-4 flex text-slate-600 gap-x-2 items-center border rounded-full
    bg-gray-50 hover:bg-gray-100 active:bg-gray-50 transition-all ml-auto mr-8 mb-4"
    onClick={() => setReadMore(!readMore)}
    Read More
    viewBox="0 0 24 24"
    className="w-6 h-6 text-slate-500 "
    d="M4.5 12h15m0 0l-6.75-6.75M19.5 12l-6.75 6.75"
    // Other parts of the code
  4. A grid layout is used to display the company cards. The grid is responsive and adapts the number of columns based on screen size. The companies prop is mapped over to render multiple CompanyCard components, passing the name and img props.

    // Code from last section
    {readMore && (
    onClick={() => setReadMore(false)}
    className="w-screen h-screen bg-black bg-opacity-60 fixed transition-opacity top-0 left-0 "
    // Styling
    <div className="pb-4 lg:pb-6 xl:pb-10 ">
    <h1 className=" text-2xl 2xl:text-3xl text-center font-title">
    <div className="grid max-h-[70%] overflow-scroll grid-cols-2 sm:grid-cols-3 md:grid-cols-4 lg:grid-cols-5 justify-around gap-6 xl:gap-12">
    { => (
    <CompanyCard name={} img={c.img} />
  5. Save the changes.

  6. Run yarn dev on the terminal to see the changes made in your local environment.


Similar steps were carried out for adding multiple categories of Companies.

On executing the above steps, the Read More Section look like this:

Adding Company Details

How to add the company details

  1. Opening index.astro file in the Companies component in our projects root directory.

  2. The Props interface is defined, which specifies the prop types expected by the component. It is used to edit properties such as companies (an array of CompanyCardType), title (a string representing the section title), subtitle (an optional string for a subtitle), and background (a string representing the background color).

    interface Props {
    companies: CompanyCardType[];
    title: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    // readMore?: boolean;
    background: string;
    const { companies, title, subtitle, background } = Astro.props;
  3. The strippedCompanies array is mapped over to render CompanyCard components, passing the img and name props. Conditional rendering is used to display the ReadMore component if the companies array length is greater than 12. The title and companies props are passed to the ReadMore component.

    { => {
    return <CompanyCard img={d.img} name={} />;
    companies.length > 12 && (
    <ReadMore title={title} client:load companies={companies} />
  4. Save the changes.

  5. Run yarn dev on the terminal to see the changes made in your local environment.

The Companies section was succesfully executed! Let's move on and see how we created the Top Recruiters section of the TNP Website.