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The Internship page of the website gives you information on various corporations that visit TCET to recruit students. To be more transparent, the website provides statistics on the number of companies that have visited and the number of students who got hired. It is accesible through the navigation bar of the TNP Website.

Adding Company Details

To add a company's information to the website, we need to edit the data array in the InternshipCompanies.tsx file. The data array is a collection of company information where each item represents a company and contains the name and image of the company's logo.

Here's how those changes were made:

  1. Opening InternshipCompanies.tsx file in our projects root directory.

  2. Locating the data array. To add a company's details, we created a new object which would be defined as follows:

       const data = [
    caption: "Name of the company",
    imgLink: "company-logo.svg",
  3. Editing the caption property to include the name of the company and imgLink property with the name of the file or URL for the company's logo.

  4. Save the file.

  5. Run yarn dev on the terminal to see the changes made in your local environment.

Creating Company Card

Now that we have created data array, we need to create a card for each company featuring the company name and logo.

Here's how we proceeded with the steps:

  1. Opening CompanyCard.tsx file.

  2. Props is defined with two properties: imgLink and caption both of type "String".

       type Props = {
    imgLink: String;
    caption: String;
  3. The functional component CompanyCard is created which uses these props to display company logo and name.

        const CompanyCard = ({ imgLink, caption }: Props) => {
    return (
    //Define the UI of the component
  4. The component will return a <div> element which will create a vertical container with centered content and gap between child elements.

       const CompanyCard = ({ imgLink, caption }: Props) => {
    return (
    <div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3">
    //Other elements comes here
  5. Within the <div> element, <img> is used to display company logo and <p> element contains the name of the company as caption.

        const CompanyCard = ({ imgLink, caption }: Props) => {
    return (
    <div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-3">
    <img src={"/InternshipHero/" + imgLink} alt="company-logo" />
    <p className="lg:text-base text-xs text-center text-slate-600">{caption}</p>
  6. Save the file.

  7. Run yarn dev on the terminal to see the changes made in your local environment.

On executing the above steps, the individual cards look like this:

Displaying Companies

In this step, we need to create a card to display all the company cards created in the previous step. This step will help in listing all the companies that have conducted internship drives in TCET.

  1. Opening InternshipCompanies.tsx file in our projects root directory.

  2. Creating a react functional component InternshipCompanies which will be defined as follows:

      const InternshipCompanies: React.FC<{}> = () => {
    return (
    //Define the UI of the component
  3. A <div> element is created which uses inline CSS style to set the background of the component. Within outer <div>, <h1> is created for the heading of the section-"Companies Offering Internships". It also contains nested <div> element with a class which serves as an underline below the heading.

       const InternshipCompanies: React.FC<{}> = () => {
    return (
    <div style={{ background: "radial-gradient(42.83% 57.11% at 50% 100%, rgba(255, 225, 185, 0.7) 0%, rgba(255, 245, 232, 0.3) 100%)" }}>
    <h1 className="relative pb-3 text-2xl 2xl:text-3xl text-center mb-12 font-title">
    Companies offering Internships
    <div className="absolute sm:top-12 top-16 left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 lg:w-1/5 md:w-1/3 sm:w-1/2 w-full border-b border-slate-200"></div>
  4. A <div> is created below <h1> element to create grids for the company cards. A javascript expression "{, index) => {.....})}" is used to map data array to display each company card.

        const InternshipCompanies: React.FC<{}> = () => {
    return (
    <div style={{ background: "radial-gradient(42.83% 57.11% at 50% 100%, rgba(255, 225, 185, 0.7) 0%, rgba(255, 245, 232, 0.3) 100%)" }}>
    <h1 className="relative pb-3 text-2xl 2xl:text-3xl text-center mb-12 font-title">
    Companies offering Internships
    <div className="absolute sm:top-12 top-16 left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 lg:w-1/5 md:w-1/3 sm:w-1/2 w-full border-b border-slate-200"></div>
    <div className="grid grid-cols-2 md:grid-rows-5 md:grid-cols-5 2xl:grid-cols-6 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 mb-12 pb-12">
    {, index) => {
    return <CompanyCard key={index} imgLink={d.imgLink} caption={d.caption} />;
  5. Save the file.

  6. Run yarn dev on the terminal to see the changes made in your local environment.

After completing the above steps, the Internship Companies card looks like this:

We have successfully created Internships page. Let's proceed with the Industry Interaction section.